The second floor of St. John's United Church is specifically designed for Christian Education.                     Classes are held on the first Sunday of the month during the regular worship service.    

Our Sunday School program runs from September through to June. Children ages 5yrs to 12yrs attend three different class categories beginner, junior and primary all designed with the Sparks lectionary curriculum and instructed by our Christian Education Leader.  


The lessons each week follow the Christian church calendar that the congregation hears at worship time.  This curriculum includes activities that help the children learn about faith in several different ways. Sparks is designated to accommodate all of the many ways kids learn. Whether it's through crafts, writing, reading or a game, they are engaging in scripture.

Music is another way that we engage youth in scripture. We encourage their many musical talents by giving them opportunities to perform in worship and also by starting a children's choir. A youth lead service is in place as well. Once a month,         the children read the scripture readings, assist in communion duties    or perform in a dramatic presentation. Much effort has been                    made to involve our youth in church worship. And also, to                        implement a Sunday School program that develops faith and           spirituality.

We at St. John's United are aware of the importance of educating youth outside of our Sunday School Program. We encourage our youth to attend rallies and camps.  We also have hosted performers such as Linnea Good to perform at our church. Children are encouraged to participate in Sunday worship through pageants, dramas, prayer, scripture reading, music and missionary fund-raising.

To wind-up the year in June, we traditionally host a camping/picnic week-end at our Church campsite at Moose Lake for all our families to gather and enjoy a weekend of fun and activities while soaking in the summer sun. 


St. John's is very proud of its enthusiastic Christian Education program. We strive to welcome families into our church and share with their children a new and exciting way to explore God's Holy Word.

Our beautiful, bright nursery and playroom is also available during worship service for the children under 5 years of age.