Baptism is a symbolic action that signifies the new life God gives us as we join the church community. Baptism uses water as a symbolic cleansing that signifies the acceptance of new life within the church family. The sacrament of baptism is the single rite of initiation into the Christian community, the church.

The United Church offers baptism to all ages. We believe the gift of God's love doesn't depend on our ability to understand it, so we baptize people as infants right up through adulthood. With children, instruction is given to parents or sponsors to equip them for the child's Christian nurture. During the ceremony, which usually takes place as part of a regular worship service, everyone in the congregation pledges support for the child and their parents

In preparation for a baptism please download our form and have it present when meeting with the minister.

 Booking a Baptism:

  • Contact the church at or    780-826-3003 to make an appointment with the   minister, Rev. Sungsoon Park                               
  • At this appointment information regarding the ceremony is shared as well as personal information regarding the child’s name, date of birth and the parents religious background, if any. Our baptisms are open to all regardless of religious affiliation.                                                                    
  •   We accept both adult and child baptisms and they are presented to the official Board for                    approval.                                                                            
  • The minister relays the Board’s decision to the parents confirming the request for baptism is accepted.                                                       

  • Baptism is then performed on the date agreed.       

  • There is no fee for initiating the sacrament but a donation to the church can be made.

Baptismal Policy of St. John's United Church

The act of baptism is a free gift of God's grace, and is open and available to all regardless of church membership, creed or affiliation. The duty of the minister is to explain the meaning of the sacrament; to understand the reasons given for the request, and to ensure that those participating have a comprehensive understanding as to its implications and responsibilities.  The minister must present each application of request to the Board for its approval and the Board has the right to first refusal.  If approved, the minister is then entitled to perform the sacrament without encumbrance.  Since baptism is an act of covenant, the sacrament must take place during public worship.

                                                                                   Adopted November 23, 2010